
How to get to Fantoft tonight

Skyss informs that there will be some changes in Bybanen's route today. The audience will have to take the bus between Wergeland and Fantoft, but the buses will correspond perfectly with the light rail - so no need to worry. KLIKK HER FOR INFORMASJON PÅ BÅDE ENGELSK OG NORSK.


Informasjon om årets festivalprogram finnes i PROGRAMTABELLEN her på nettsiden, eller leses i FESTIVALPROGRAMMET (PDF). 


Information about this years' festival program can be found in the PROGRAM TABLE here on the website, or read in the FESTIVAL PROGRAM PDF.


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+47 40 34 35 36
Skype: borealisfestival

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Borealis Festival
USF Verftet
Georgernes Verft 12
5011 Bergen

How to get to Fantoft tonight

Skyss informs that there will be some changes in Bybanen's route today. The audience will have to take the bus between Wergeland and Fantoft, but the buses will correspond perfectly with the light rail.

So - take Bybanen from Byparken to Wergeland. Then change to a corresponding bus. Keep your Bybanen ticket so that you can show it to the bus driver if nescesarry. Then go off at Fantoft and follow the signs (about 50 - 100 metres) to Klubb Fantoft at Fantoft Studentby. Ask the bus driver to let you know where Fantoft is if you have'nt been there before.

NORSK: ta bybanen fra Byparken til Wergeland. Der bytter du til en buss som vil vente på stasjonen (Skyss lover at bussene skal gå like ofte som bybanen ankommer). Bybane-billetten din vil også være gyldig som bussbillett - ta derfor godt vare på den. Gå så av på Fantoft (om du ikke vet hvor det er - be bussjåføren gi beskjed) og følg skiltingen til Klubb Fanfoft (ca 50 - 100 meter).

More information here:

We're looking forward to a fantastic evening. Hope you join us!
