Kl 1745

Molly-House is an ‘assemblage’, having no particular order for its set of freely juxtaposed parts. Some of these parts are soloistic, and conventionally notated (nineteen ‘arias’ derived from four operas by Handel). Others are ensembles (trios and quartets) with various degrees of pitch specificity, or indeterminate ‘solos’. Some (containing lists of numbers) are for electronic gadgets (hairdryers, mixers, drills, vacuum-cleaners, vibrators etc). The proposal is for a potential ‘community’ in which any smallish number of players (with differing levels of expertise) could creatively co-exist: a house with an unpredictable number of co-operative occupants. A molly-house was (18th century) a house of pleasure and fantasy, inverting (altering, substituting, transforming) the external world, and making (almost) anything possible. Mollies - then as now - thrived on being adaptable.


Michael Finnissys Molly-House vil bli fremført i samarbeid med Megafon og Kirkens Bymisjon, som en feiring av Det internasjonale nettverket av gateaviser (INSP) sitt femtenårsjubileum. Under ledelse av komponist Reynaldo Young, som også er grunnlegger av London’s Cardboard Citizens New Music Ensemble, vil deltakerne spille sammen med studenter fra Griegakademiet og Trinity College of Music, London.


Arrangert i samarbeid med Megafon og Kirkens bymisjon.