Opening Concert: Safe&Weird
Nils Erik Måseidvåg is considered one of Norway's greatest talents in conducting, and has already repeatedly worked with many Norwegian orchestras, such as the Oslo Philharmonic, Stavanger Symphony Orchestra, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra, Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra, Arctic Philharmonic and Norwegian Radio Orchestra. From 2018 and through 2019 he was Assistant Conductor of Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, where he assisted on a number of productions and conducted several concerts, amongst them the traditional New Years concerts in 2019. In 2020 he won the Léonie Sonnings Talent Prize. He is very interested in bringing music by living composers further into the foreground, as he believes there is a vast amount of great music that deserves more recognition. He is therefore very excited to be a part of Borealis.
Photo: Eirik Haukaas Ødegaard