Resonating Nordnes
SkottegatenFM is a three-month pop-up FM radio station transmitting from homes on Skottegaten and surrounding streets in the Nordnes neighborhood of Bergen. Anyone in the listening range can borrow the transmitter and do a one-time or regular broadcast. The program schedule is distributed to neighbors monthly on a homemade postcard and updated on Instagram and Twitter (@Skottegaten.FM). SkottegatenFM emerges out of an international tradition of micro-radio, free radio and pirate radio stations that weave together a community of nearby listeners and participants. SkottegatenFM was launched by neighborhood resident, artist Karen Werner. So far there are daily transmissions at noon with a line-up of poetry, Norwegian words, sounds and interviews plus additional weekend broadcasts of music and on-air calls.
Participating artists during Resonating Nordnes broadcasted on SkottegatenFm include Linda Gale Aubry, Mike Bullock, Tim Eriksen, Madihe Gharibi, William Kudahl, Shaunteka LaTrese, Su Liao, Finn Tokwam and Dana Wilde.
Illustration: Karen Werner