Makda Embaie

Makda Embaie is a poet and artist who focuses on languages in relation to the nation-state and the individual. Through portrayals, activations, and practicing of her own specific experiences of language she has revealed linguistic components that have to do with space, time and the specific body, which complicates the nation-state's otherwise linear way of describing people and languages. Through installation, sound, text, film and photography, Makda shifts the focus from the nation-state's narrative towards specific experiences of language, in order to dive into the question of what language would be if this is where it arose from. Makda is educated at Konstfack in Stockholm, Biskop Arnö's author school and at the Royal Institute of Art Post-Master course, Decolonizing Architecture. She will graduate with an MA in Fine Art from Kunsthøyskolen i Oslo in 2022.