Dr. Liisa-Rávná Finbog (Ramavuol Liisa-Rávdná) is a Sámi Indigenous scholar, duojár, author, and curator affiliated with Tampere University in Finland. Moving between Sámi aesthetics and the materiality of creative practices, she navigates the dynamics between fine art and politics of indigeneity in her work, both as an academic and duojár, but also in her curatorial practice. In 2021 she was one of the founding members of the Hásstuheaddji Artist Collective. Liisa-Rávná holds a curatorial position at KORO – Norway national body responsible for curating, producing and activating art in public space, and is Curator of Discursive Programming at the MUNCH museum in Oslo. She is the author of It Speaks to You: Making Kin of People, Stories and Duodji in Sámi Museums published in 2023.
Liisa-Rávná Finbog
Photo: Eirin Torgersen