Sunday 20 March | 10.00–16.00 | Nordnes peninsula
The headquarters is in Strandgaten 207. There you can get information about the day and also a spescial map of the area. Check out all the exciting things happening this day underneath!
Radio Space Lytterom
Studio 207

Come and shelter in the cosy environment of Studio 207, and listen to our festival Radio commissions in hi-fidelity from Jenny Berger Myhre, Elina Waage Mikalsen and Autumn Chacon.
Waking states, underworld voices and extraction interference make up this trio of new Borealis commissions for FM and online broadcast. Continuing the festival’s commitment to radio broadcast as a space for creating new sound work, Borealis has invited the three artists to draw on their mixed musical and artistic practices. They are also broadcast across the Nordnes peninsula on FM, or you can catch them on Borealis’ Radio Space on
Jenny Berger Myhre – Slowly I wake up to my other life
Elina Waage Mikalsen – Juolggit julggiid vuostá –
the line has two sides
Autumn Chacon – What Will Be Lost
Commissioned in collaboration with Radiophrenia.Commissions supported by Arts Council Norway. Supported by Creative Scotland’s Open Fund: Sustaining Creative Development Programme.
Niilas – Musikk for sjøbading
Nordnes Sjøbad
Concert & Swimming
Concert incl. swimming: NOK 230/205/180/140
Concert ex. swimming: NOK 150/125/100

*World Premiere*
Bergens own electronic music master Niilas turns to face the sea in a new commission to be performed for swimmers at the Nordnes Sjøbad.
Niilas arrived in the national spotlight as the bright star of Norwegian club music with his self released album Also This Will Change. At the same time he moved house into De Sjøfarendes Aldershjem, a former seafarers’ boarding house, where he began exploring freer and more long form compositions. Commissioned by Borealis, this new piece draws on the lively sounds of his elderly neighbours, field recordings from the dilapidated instruments of the house common room and his own passion for swimming in the icy fjord.
De Sjøfarendes Aldershjem sits a stones throw from the 110 year old public seabath on a peninsula of the city centre jutting out in to the fjord. Growing up in Bergen as well as being part of the indigenous Sea sámi community from Kåfjord in Northern Norway, Niilas’s connections to the ocean and nature are multiple. Here he presents a new musical meditation on the ocean, to be experienced in the water, or on land.
Presented in collaboration with Nordnes Sjøbad
Commission supported by Arts Council Norway
Avgarde Treningsmusikken
Nykirken menighetshus
& 13.00–13.45

*World Premieres*
We all know what workout music sounds like, right? But what if it was reimagined by composers, and played by a live ensemble! Welcome to Avgarde Treningsmusikken, a collaboration between personal trainer Henriette Sophie Vik Skaten, and three Bergen based composers. With three newly composed workouts, you’ll be on the mat and lead through unique Tabata inspired, body weight training and Turkish get-up routines, each one with a newly composed soundtrack. What will it be like to plank, or circuit train to music that may have an uneven beat, unexpected soundscapes or an unpredictable structure? And what happens to listening when we combine it with rushing endorphins and focus on the body? Whether you’re a hardcore gym bunny, or a music lover who wants to try something new; Everyone is welcome to join Treningsmusikken!
Make sure to book your ticket, as spots are limited. Bring comfortable clothes, water to drink and a willingness to work out! Training mats are provided.
Note that the event is happening in Nykirken Menighetshus (Fredriksbergsgaten 4) – not Nykirken itself.
Ruth Bakke, Ole-Andreas Førde & Kathrine Bauck – composers
Mara Haugen – violin
Roger Andreas Holme – saxophone
Jostein Stalheim – accordian
Owen Weaver – percussion
Presented in collaboration with Avgarde
Green Bank Pastoral
Cinemateket i Bergen
& 15.00–16.00
PRICE: NOK 100/50

As we explore Nordnes through sound and radio, take a pause and discover the small town Green Bank in America where all wireless signals have been banned since the 1950s to protect the world’s largest radio telescope from interference. The town has no radio, mobile or wifi signals and has as a result attracted a number of people that claim to suffer from Electro Hypersensitivity, seeking respite from the modern world. This award winning documentary, featuring music from Borealis artist Mattie Barbier, is the story of the peculiar relationship between these people, the small town folk, and the massive radio telescope in the middle of it all.
A film by Federico Urdaneta
Duration 54 min
Presented in collaboration with Cinemateket in Bergen
Autumn Chacon – What Will Be Lost I Nordnesparken
Radio Installation
Pick up a radio in Strandgaten 207

Autumn Chacon’s What Will Be Lost is a new collaborative work between the Indigenous US based artist and Sandra Marja West, sámi activist, artist, and member of the sámi Parliament, and sámi composer and musician Johan Sara Jr. Drawing on her own history of vocal activism, Autumn’s work stands in solidarity with the current dispute the sámi face against big copper mining in Sápmi. What Will Be Lost, is two simultaneous broadcasts in which words directed at the German copper buying industry are interrupted by a second broadcast of the land, water, animals, and peoples who will be negatively affected by copper extraction in Sápmi.
Commission in collaboration with Radiophrenia
Commission supported by Arts Council Norway. Supported by Creative Scotland’s Open Fund: Sustaining Creative Development Programme.
Emilie Wright – Procession (poem of exstacy)

Procession (poem of ecstasy) is a spatial audio installation by artist Emile Wright. The work explores themes of sadomasochism, catharsis and internal cosmology through fragile architectures and psychoacoustics within experimental forms of field recording, vocals and audio signal processing.
Radio Multe & Family Workshop
BEK – Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts
Drop by BEK for sonic explorations!
Radio Multe
BEK & 93.8 FM

Grab a coffee and listen to Radio Multe, Bergen’s newest community and experimental radio station broadcasting live on FM from their studio in Nygårdsgaten with a programme about Nordnes history with Anna Watson, Karen Werner and Fabian Lanzmaier.
Family Workshop on sound making with Oda Bremnes

Join us for a workshop with artist Oda Bremnes to learn how different exciting sounds can be produced and played with!
You can play with a rebuilt radio, which still picks up FM radio signals, and can be remotely controlled from a computer. You can experiment with different materials, from feathers to elastic bands, to create sound and build simple instruments. You can create movement in water through sound, and even connect to a robot lamp to give it a new voice.
With several different stations inviting everyone to participate, the workshop is well suited for children of kindergarten and primary school age and their families. The workshop is free and open for drop-in – no sign-up required!
Kjære Nabo
Hordaland Kunstsenter
Open House

Welcome to an afternoon at the heart of Hordaland Kunstsenter and their ongoing project, Dear Neighbour. Curator Daniela Ramos Arias holds an open house to reflect on the project, a collection of letters, each composed by an artist, sent to people living in the vicinity of the arts centre. Brazilian visual artist Nayara Leite was invited to create a work for this context and explored the queer history of Nordnes, in close collaboration with Skeivt Arkiv. The result was a series of three fanzines titled fem tusen og fem distributed to Nordnes residents with postcode 5005. As part of the afternoon, the fanzines will be available to view and a community listening session will be held to listen to Nayara’s new radiophonic translation of the fanzines.
Presented in collaboration with Hordaland Kunstsenter
Nayara Leite – fem tusen og fem
Nordnes/93.8 FM
Radio Broadcasting
Pick up a radio in Strandgaten 207

Tune in to RUMMUR Radio on 93.8FM, to hear a new commission by visual artist Nayara Leite. As part of RUMMUR Radio’s ongoing mission to explore and promote experimental FM broadcasting in Bergen, Nayara was invited to create a new transmission work drawing on her community project fem tusen og fem that resonates the queer history of Nordnes.
Presented in collaboration with RUMMUR Radio & Bergen Kringkaster
Makda Embaie – Breaking bread and language

Join artist Makda Embaie to reflect on the idea of the nation-state and its relationship to language. In the week prior to Resonating Nordnes, Makda will hold several sessions for people with diaspora experience to translate Tigrinya language texts together. She has developed a method of translating that doesn’t require the participants to be able to read or write in the language they translate from. Join Makda to reflect on her week of workshops and hear more about her work.
Presented in collaboration with aerial
Fermenting Subjects – Arne Skaug Olsen & Anders Dahl Monsen

Fermenting Subjects is an orchestra of tailor made wind instruments that harvest carbon dioxide from the fermentation of yeast to produce a soundscape. A network of soft tubes, hard pipes and rubber membranes connects to a repository of yeast, sugar and water under the processes of fermentation. As the yeast cycles through the conversion of sugar into CO2, it flows through the connected pipes, until escaping through small gaps in the rubber membranes vibrating the rubber and in the process producing low baritone sounds amplified through the hard pipes adjacent to it.
14.00–15.00: Performance
Presented in collaboration with ALDEA