

Welcome to Borealis! We strive to be a welcoming, accessible and inclusive festival and we want you to enjoy your experience of being here with us. We ask everyone attending the festival to adhere to our Code of Conduct.

PRECONCEPTIONS Keep an open mind. Don’t assume things about others. Everyone has a different life experience and may be struggling with challenges that are not always visible. 

CONSENT Be aware of other people’s boundaries.  Always seek consent and if someone says ‘no’, or asks you to stop something, then stop. Their bodies, their choice!

PRONOUNS Respect the use of pronouns and avoid making assumptions. Ask people how they want to be addressed. 

CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE Think about how you are occupying this space and the visible and invisible hierarchies that exist. Be aware how your privilege perpetuates oppression and discrimination. 

MIND YOUR LANGUAGE Be kind, polite and respectful to others. We have a zero tolerance policy towards harassment and prejudice of any kind, including abusive, racist, sexist, misogynist, ableist, classist, sizeist, ageist, homophobic or transphobic language.

LOOK AFTER ONE ANOTHER We’re all here in this space together – audiences, staff, volunteers and artists. Be considerate and treat one another with kindness and respect. 

TAKE A BREAK If you feel uncomfortable or need a break you can always leave the concert. Taking a break is OK!  When you are ready, we’ll let you in as soon as possible.

REPORT If you feel threatened, unwell or unsafe at any of our events, if you notice someone else being harassed or have any concerns about an individual’s behaviour, please report it to a member of staff, to one of our volunteers in Borealis T-shirts, or to our Managing Director: / +47 45 68 53 70. 

We are always open to improving the way we work, please let us know if you have feedback: 

About our values

Egalitarian values and a commitment to social change through music and art is at the core of Borealis but there is a lot of work to be done to make this a clear and meaningful reality at Borealis and music events and club nights everywhere. We cannot solve the problem of inequality alone and rely on collaborative, critical thinking to inspire us all to make the arts more inclusive. Borealis is not a judge or jury, nor are we without our own internalised prejudices. We are open to feedback and discussion as we find ways to work together on changing the world in our own way and in our field.

It is important that the festival is a safe place for everyone involved – tolerant, supportive and free from harassment. We are all co-conspirators in the strive for equality, and we ask all of our staff, artists, delegates, audience and volunteers to promote the same values of respect for all – regardless of race, ethnicity, listening experience, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability or age.


  • We don’t assume anyone’s gender, origin or sexuality.
  • We ask for consent before touching anyone. Their bodies, their choice!
  • We have a zero tolerance policy towards harassment and prejudice of any kind, including sexual harassment and violence.
  • If you feel threatened, unwell, or unsafe at any event, as well as bar staff and security, there will be volunteers in yellow t-shirts to act as points of connection, support or help if you might need it.


  • We aim for all our venues to be wheelchair accessible, to have gender neutral toilets and enough seating for those who need it.
  • Our ideal would be to provide a sanctuary space at every venue that could act as a more intimate quiet zone as we recognise that busy public events don’t always suit everyone.
  • Taking a break is ok! If you feel uncomfortable or need a break you can always leave the concert. You’ll be let back in when you are ready.